The language of strategy for
today's leaders is international.
(About Us)
Your strategies must work wherever you do business. We have
the People and Expertise
to ensure quality implementation of culturally effective business
and communication strategies:
- Coaching
global executive and multicultural team performance
- Assessing
satisfaction of international customers and employees
- Facilitating
and enhancing communications in multiple languages
- Mediating
business relations and negotiations in other countries
- Reducing
global resistance and risk
Viable strategies come from international perspectives. See
Publications We deliver Results,
domestically and internationally:
International Results
For a semiconductor manufacturer aspiring
to grow aggressively in China and Southeast Asia, delivered
innovative workshops to Taiwanese founders and staff. Triggered
changes in measurement systems.
For 20 multinational organizations, developed
and implemented survey of international assignment effectiveness.
Facilitated workshops with their business leaders, customers
and spouses on the implications of corporate and national
culture on multi-year secondments for host and home country
For a South Korean company seeking to improve
execution of its global strategy, assessed management development
needs. Resulted in US and European business relations.
For a chemicals manufacturer, evaluated organizational
and leadership effectiveness in several business lines and
plants facing restructuring in Europe and the UK. Implemented
in 14 languages.
For a pulp and paper company, reviewed management
of international risk. Led to updates in international compensation
and employment. Averted risk from cross-cultural misinterpretation.
With UK/US food and beverage executives, challenged
outmoded methods of strategic planning. Defeated widely-held
assumptions about stock options and cultural acceptance of
reward vehicles.
For an oil and gas conglomerate, developed
leadership impact of American, British, Dutch, French, and
Norwegian executives; counseled 100 managers in one-on-one
feedback sessions.
For a global services firm seeking to develop
international business performance, built competency of executives
and expatriating families in cultural effectiveness working
in 40 countries.